May 20, 2024 

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HOUSEHOLD: The consuming population of an economy, which pretty much includes every living, breathing human being in a nation. The key contrast here is with business, the organizations responsible for production. In terms of the circular flow, households buy production from businesses through product markets and supply resources to business through factor markets. Check out the household sector for more.

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There are 24 entries in the GLOSS*arama starting with the letter K.

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A service that transfers the risk of loss from an individual to a larger group. The larger group is typically represented by an insurance provider, either a private for-profit company or a government agency. The insurance provider can assume the risk through risk pooling. Risk averse people, who are willing to pay a premium to avoid risk, are the ones most inclined to purchase insurance. The risk averse individual agrees to incur a small guaranteed loss (the premium) but avoids incurring a less likely, but much bigger, loss.

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In the discussion of recession we see that one of the problems confronting both pedestrians and the economy is stepping in an occasional pothole. These potholes are usually small and do little damage. Every now and then, however, our economy falls face first into one humdinger of pothole that's big enough to swallow the better part of a marching band. Rather than a mere recessionary pothole, these are best thought of as depressionary canyons. The Great Depression of the 1930s was the most memorable depressionary canyon on record for the good old U. S. of A. The question we need to ponder over the next few pages is: Are there any more depressionary canyons like the 1930s lurking along the economic pavement?
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Today, you are likely to spend a great deal of time waiting for visits from door-to-door solicitors looking to buy either a computer that can play music and burn CDs or a T-shirt commemorating last Friday (you know why). Be on the lookout for strangers with large satchels of used undergarments.
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Ragnar Frisch and Jan Tinbergen were the 1st Nobel Prize winners in Economics in 1969.
"Many people think that if they were only in some other place, or had some other job, they would be happy. Well, that is doubtful. So get as much happiness out of what you are doing as you can and don't put off being happy until some future date. "

-- Dale Carnegie

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