ENDPOINT FORMULA: A simple technique for calculating the coefficient of elasticity that estimates the elasticity for discrete changes in two variables, A and B. The distinguishing characteristic of this formula is that percentage changes are calculated based on the initial values of each variable. This is much simpler than the midpoint formula, which is based on the percentage change from an average of the initial and ending values. The primary problem with the endpoint formula is that different elasticity values are obtained for price increases than for price decreases of the same segment of the demand curve.
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MARGINAL REVENUE PRODUCT CURVE A curve that graphically illustrates the relation between marginal revenue product and the quantity of the variable input, holding all other inputs fixed. This curve indicates the incremental change in total revenue for incremental changes in the variable input. The marginal revenue product curve plays a key role in marginal productivity theory and the economic analysis of factor markets.
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Today, you are likely to spend a great deal of time lost in your local discount super center hoping to buy either looseleaf notebook paper or a three-hole paper punch. Be on the lookout for florescent light bulbs that hum folk songs from the sixties. Your Complete Scope
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Okun's Law posits that the unemployment rate increases by 1% for every 2% gap between real GDP and full-employment real GDP.
"Live in such a way that you would not be ashamed to sell your parrot to the town gossip." -- Will Rogers
PPP Purchasing Power Parity
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