HARD MONEY: Historically money that is in the form of precious metals, especially gold. In modern times, any national currency that is expected to retain its value (and even appreciate in value), and is readily acceptable for most international transactions. The U.S. dollar, German marc, and Swiss franc tend to be near the top of the list of hard money (also termed hard currency).
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LONG-RUN AGGREGATE SUPPLY CURVE A graphical representation of the long-run relation between real production and the price level, holding all ceteris paribus aggregate supply determinants constant. The long-run aggregate supply curve, abbreviated LRAS, is one of two curves that graphically capture the supply-side of the aggregate market. The other is the short-run aggregate supply curve. The demand-side of the aggregate market is occupied by the aggregate demand curve. The vertical long-run aggregate supply curve captures the independent relation between real production and the price level that exists in the long run.
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Today, you are likely to spend a great deal of time going from convenience store to convenience store wanting to buy either a birthday greeting card for your father or a T-shirt commemorating the first day of spring. Be on the lookout for pencil sharpeners with an attitude. Your Complete Scope
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The first paper notes printed in the United States were in denominations of 1 cent, 5 cents, 25 cents, and 50 cents.
"All things are difficult before they are easy." -- Thomas Fuller, Physician
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