February 5, 2025 

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COLLUSION: A usually secret agreement among competing firms (mostly oligopolistic firms) in an industry to control the market, raise the market price, and otherwise act like a monopoly. The reason for the secrecy is that such behavior is illegal in the United States under antitrust laws. Collusion is a characteristic trait of oligopolistic industries. Intense competition and interdependent decision-making encourages oligopolistic firms to cooperate. One way to lessen the competition among an oligopolistic rival is to join forces through collusion. (The other way is through merger, but that's another entry.)

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A graphical representation of the relation between the level of aggregate production and one or more injections. The three injections (non-consumption expenditures on aggregate production) are investment expenditures, government purchases and exports. The injections line sequentially adds, or layers, each of these three expenditures depending on the number of sectors used in the analysis (two, three, or four). The slope of the injections line depends on which if any of the expenditures are induced by aggregate production. The injections line is combined with the leakages line (containing saving, taxes, and imports) in the Keynesian injections-leakages model.

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Today, you are likely to spend a great deal of time wandering around the shopping mall seeking to buy either a country wreathe or galvanized steel storage shelves. Be on the lookout for broken fingernail clippers.
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Much of the $15 million used by the United States to finance the Louisiana Purchase from France was borrowed from European banks.
"Live in such a way that you would not be ashamed to sell your parrot to the town gossip."

-- Will Rogers

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