AGGREGATE DEMAND DETERMINANT: A ceteris paribus factor that affects aggregate demand, but which is assumed constant when the aggregate demand curve is constructed. Changes in any of the aggregate demand determinants cause the aggregate demand curve to shift. While a wide variety of specific ceteris paribus factors can cause the aggregate demand curve to shift, it's usually most convenient to group them into the four, broad expenditure categories -- consumption, investment, government purchases, and net exports. The reason is that changes in these expenditures are the direct cause of shifts in the aggregate demand curve. If any determinant affects aggregate demand it MUST affect one of these four expenditures.
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DOUBLE COUNTING The act of including the value of intermediate goods more than once in the value of gross domestic product. Because the value, or price, of final goods includes the cost, or value, of all intermediate goods used in production, including market transactions for intermediate goods separately in the measurement of gross domestic product leads to double counting.
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Today, you are likely to spend a great deal of time going from convenience store to convenience store hoping to buy either a coffee table shaped like the state of Florida or storage boxes for your summer clothes. Be on the lookout for bottles of barbeque sauce that act TOO innocent. Your Complete Scope
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There were no banks in colonial America before the U.S. Revolutionary War. Anyone seeking a loan did so from another individual.
"In the long run men hit only what they aim at. " -- Henry David Thoreau, philosopher
BEA Bureau of Economic Analisys
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