January 5, 2025 

AmosWEB means Economics with a Touch of Whimsy!

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AGGLOMERATION: The clustering of several similar or related activities at the same location. Many industries have firms that tend to agglomerate, that is, locate very close to one another, leading to geographic concentration. For example, the motion picture industry is concentrated in California, the fashion industry is concentrated in New York, and the petroleum industry is concentrated in Texas. Agglomeration can be caused by accessibility to a concentrated natural resource (such as petroleum or sunny weather), but if often feeds upon itself through agglomeration economies. Firms in the same industry often have lower production cost when the located near their competitors.

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A basic technique used in economics that analyzes small, incremental changes in key variables. Marginal analysis is the primary analytical approached used in the study of markets, production, consumption, business cycles, and economic policies. It not only reflects how most economic decisions are made, it also lends itself to mathematical and graphical analysis.

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Today, you are likely to spend a great deal of time flipping through the yellow pages seeking to buy either a T-shirt commemorating yesterday or a pair of handcrafted oven mitts. Be on the lookout for telephone calls from former employers.
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Woodrow Wilson's portrait adorned the $100,000 bill that was removed from circulation in 1929. Woodrow Wilson was removed from circulation in 1924.
"What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving your goals."

-- Zig Ziglar

Bank Note
A PEDestrian's Guide
Xtra Credit
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