November 22, 2024 

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SHORT RUN, MACROECONOMICS: In terms of the macroeconomic analysis of the aggregate market, a period of time in which some prices, especially wages, are rigid, inflexible, or otherwise in the process of adjusting. This is one of two macroeconomic time designations; the other is the long run (you might want to see short-run production, too). Short-run wage and price rigidity prevents some markets, especially resources markets and most notably labor markets, from achieving equilibrium. Wage and price rigidity and the resulting resource market imbalances are the source of the positively-sloped short-run aggregate supply curve.

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An economics field of study that applies both macroeconomic and microeconomic principles to international trade, which is the flow of trade among nations, and to international finance, which is the means of making payment for the exchange of goods among nations. International economics studies the economic interactions among the different nations that make up the global economy. Often this interaction is viewed in terms of the domestic economy and the foreign sector. The key economic principle underlying international economics is the law of comparative advantage.

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Today, you are likely to spend a great deal of time at an auction hoping to buy either rechargeable batteries or a rechargeable battery for your computer. Be on the lookout for celebrities who speak directly to you through your television.
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The portrait on the quarter is a more accurate likeness of George Washington than that on the dollar bill.
"A man flattened by an opponent can get up again. A man flattened by conformity stays down for good. "

-- Thomas Watson Jr., executive

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