May 20, 2024 

AmosWEB means Economics with a Touch of Whimsy!

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LABOR AGREEMENT: A formal, official, legal contract between a firm and the labor union representing the firm's employees. Such an agreement stipulates the various aspects of employment, including wages, fringe benefits, vacations, layoffs, promotions, and grievance procedures. The terms of the agreement are generally negotiated through the collective bargaining process. Should the collective bargaining process breakdown, the terms of the labor agreement might be helped along through a third-party mediator. If this doesn't help, then the labor union might call a strike or the firm might impose a lockout. Once in effect, any questions about the terms of the agreement are often subject to arbitration.

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Your compete MICRO*scope for today

You are the type of person who excels on exams, IQ tests, and mental puzzles. Family and friends are prone to remind you of the current decade whenever they take note of your clothing ensemble. Today, you are likely to spend a great deal of time waiting for visits from door-to-door solicitors looking to buy either a computer that can play music and burn CDs or a T-shirt commemorating last Friday (you know why). Be on the lookout for strangers with large satchels of used undergarments. You should consider shopping at stores or businesses beginning with the letter R, but do not buy any products with a serial number or product code containing the number 611332. Your preferred shopping venue is the Internet. Your special symbol is the exclamation point (!).

Is this You?

As a Purple Smarphin, you are the brightest and most intelligent person you know. And that goes for shopping, too. You know exactly what you want. You know exactly what it costs. You know exactly when and where to buy. But, of course, shopping is only one of the many activities that attracts your intellectual attention. You shop when you need to and buy if have to, but shopping is not the end all of your life.

This isn't me! What am I?

The total expenditures on gross domestic product undertaken in a given time period by the four sectors--household, business, government, and foreign. Expenditures made by each of these sectors are commonly termed consumption expenditures, investment expenditures, government purchases, and net exports. Aggregate expenditures (AE) are a cornerstone in the study of macroeconomics, playing critical roles in Keynesian economics, aggregate market analysis, and to a lesser degree, monetarism. In particular, aggregate expenditures are combined with the price level as aggregate demand.

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The hazards of being a pedestrian are many. Of course we have a good chance of crossing paths with a rabid bengal tiger that has highjacked a street cleaner and intends to whitewash every pair of jogging shoes encountered. Or a throng of overzealous religious fanatics might try to slip fresh flowers into our hands and literature into our pockets. And especially when we amble through the financial district, we might be crushed by falling stock market investors who have mistakenly BOUGHT HIGH and SOLD LOW. While the actions of the bengal tiger and overzealous religious fanatics might be understandable, what's so almighty important about the stock market that would make investors place the well-being of innocent pedestrians in jeopardy?
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The average length of a "business lunch" is about 36 minutes.
"Many people think that if they were only in some other place, or had some other job, they would be happy. Well, that is doubtful. So get as much happiness out of what you are doing as you can and don't put off being happy until some future date. "

-- Dale Carnegie

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