May 3, 2024 

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ORIGIN: In a graph, this is point of intersection between the X and Y axes. This intersection point is at the zero values for both axes. This double-zero is the "starting point" for plotting points in the coordinate space established by the two axes.

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MAJORITY RULE: A voting rule in which decisions are made based on the majority of those casting a vote. That is, the candidate or program receiving the majority of the votes is the winner. The majority is defined as one vote more than fifty percent of the total number of votes cast. If 100 votes are cast, the majority is 51 votes. If 100 million votes are cast, the majority is 50 million and one (50,000,001). This is perhaps the most common of several voting rules. Others include super majority, unanimity, and plurality.

     See also | public choice | super majority rule | unanimity rule | plurality rule | voter paradox | principle of the median voter | logrolling | explicit logrolling | implicit logrolling | Tiebout hypothesis | principal-agent problem |

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MAJORITY RULE, AmosWEB GLOSS*arama,, AmosWEB LLC, 2000-2024. [Accessed: May 3, 2024].

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The notion that business cycles are caused by elected government leaders who manipulate the economy to achieve personal political goals, that is, to be re-elected and remain in office. The leaders stimulate the economy leading up to an election, creating a business-cycle expansion that ensures (they hope) re-election, they then induce a business-cycle contraction after the election to correct problems created by the pre-election stimulation. This explanation suggests that government is the source of business cycles are should not be allowed to implement discretionary stabilization policies.

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Today, you are likely to spend a great deal of time surfing the Internet seeking to buy either a T-shirt commemorating the first day of spring or a coffee cup commemorating last Friday (you know why). Be on the lookout for broken fingernail clippers.
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The New York Stock Exchange was established by a group of investors in New York City in 1817 under a buttonwood tree at the end of a little road named Wall Street.
"It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it."

-- Aristotle

Minneapolis Grain Exchange
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