May 18, 2024 

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TOTAL FACTOR COST CURVE, MONOPSONY: A curve that graphically represents the relation between total factor cost incurred by a monopsony when using a given factor of production to produce a good or service. The total factor cost curve is most important in factor market analysis for the derivation of the marginal factor cost curve.

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POLLUTION RIGHTS MARKET: A market-based system for the exchange of permits or "rights" to release pollution residuals into the environment. These pollution permits would be bought and sold in an organized market not unlike the stock market. Prices would vary according to the forces of supply and demand, allowing individual participants to buy and sell based on their particular circumstances. The total number of permits would be based on the amount of permissible pollution residuals that can be safely released into the environment during a given period of time. These permits could be given away or auction off to potential polluters.

     See also | market | pollution | externalities | exchange | demand | supply | efficiency | pollution types | Pigouvian tax | command and control | market failure | materials balance | recycling | Coase theorem |

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POLLUTION RIGHTS MARKET, AmosWEB GLOSS*arama,, AmosWEB LLC, 2000-2024. [Accessed: May 18, 2024].

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In the circular flow model, the transfer of goods and services from the business sector to the household sector and the transfer of resource services from the household sector to the business sector. The physical flow is usually illustrated as a counter-clockwise flow for a model with the product markets at the top, resource markets at the bottom, household sector at the left, and business sector at the left. The payment flow moves in the opposite direction.

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Today, you are likely to spend a great deal of time searching for rummage sales looking to buy either high-gloss photo paper that works with your printer or a desktop calendar with all federal and state holidays highlighted. Be on the lookout for strangers with large satchels of used undergarments.
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It's estimated that the U.S. economy has about $20 million of counterfeit currency in circulation, less than 0.001 perecent of the total legal currency.
"Perhaps the most valuable result of all education is the ability to make yourself do the thing you have to do, when it ought to be done, whether you like it or not; it is the first lesson that ought to be learned; and however early a man's training begins, it is probably the last lesson that he learns thoroughly. "

-- Thomas H. Huxley, Scientist

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