September 20, 2024 

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URBANIZATION ECONOMIES: A reduction in production cost the results when diverse activities are located in a concentrated urban area. Urbanization economies applied to all types of activities that benefit from assorted urban "amenities" such as public utilities, government services, information services that are inclined to experience decreasing average cost with large scale production. If, for example, a city has sufficient demand for a more efficiency, larger scale electrical generation plant, then everyone can benefit from lower electricity rates.

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SHORT RUN: In terms of the macroeconomic analysis of the aggregate market, a period of time in which some prices, especially wages, are rigid, inflexible, or otherwise in the process of adjusting. Short-run wage and price rigidity prevents some markets, especially resources markets and most notably labor markets, from achieving equilibrium. In terms of the microeconomic analysis of production and supply, a period of time in which at least one input in the production process is variable and one is fixed. In the microeconomic analysis, the short run is primarily used to analyze production decisions for a firm.

     See also | fixed input | variable input | inflexible prices | short-run production | macroeconomics | microeconomics |

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SHORT RUN, AmosWEB GLOSS*arama,, AmosWEB LLC, 2000-2024. [Accessed: September 20, 2024].

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A record of the assets, liabilities, and net worth of a bank at a given point in time. Assets are what a bank owns. Liabilities are what a bank owes. Net worth is the difference between the two and what is claimed by or owed to the owners of the bank. By definition, a balance sheet must balance. The assets on one side are equal to the liabilities and net worth on the other.

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Today, you are likely to spend a great deal of time calling an endless list of 800 numbers looking to buy either a rim for your spare tire or decorative celebrity figurines. Be on the lookout for fairy dust that tastes like salt.
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Only 1% of the U.S. population paid income taxes when the income tax was established in 1914.
"Man is born to live, not to prepare for life. "

-- Boris Pasternak, writer

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