January 15, 2025 

AmosWEB means Economics with a Touch of Whimsy!

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RESOURCE QUALITY, AGGREGATE SUPPLY DETERMINANT: One of three categories of aggregate supply determinants assumed constant when the short-run or long-run aggregate supply curves are constructed, and which shifts both aggregate supply curves when it changes. An increase in a resource quality causes an increase (rightward shift) of both aggregate supply curves. A decrease in a resource quality causes a decrease (leftward shift) of both aggregate supply curves. The other two categories of aggregate supply determinants are resource quantity and resource price. Specific determinants falling into this general category include education and technology. Anything affecting the quality of labor, capital, land, and entrepreneurship is also included.

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An aggregate supply curve--a graphical representation of the relation between real production and the price level--that reflects the basic principles of Keynesian economics. The Keynesian aggregate supply curve actually comes in two versions. The basic version is reverse-L shaped, with a horizontal segment connected to a vertical segment at a sharp corner. The modified version is also reverse-L shaped, but the vertical and horizontal segments have positive slopes and connecting corner is rounded. An alternative is the classical aggregate supply curve.

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Today, you are likely to spend a great deal of time at the confiscated property police auction hoping to buy either a rechargeable battery for your cell phone or a T-shirt commemorating the 2000 Olympics. Be on the lookout for poorly written technical manuals.
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On a typical day, the United States Mint produces over $1 million worth of dimes.
"My philosophy of life is that if we make up our mind what we are going to make of our lives, then work hard toward that goal, we never lose - somehow we win out."

-- President Ronald Reagan

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