January 2, 2025 

AmosWEB means Economics with a Touch of Whimsy!

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ACCOUNTING PROFIT: The difference between a business's revenue and it's accounting expenses. This is the profit that's listed on a company's balance sheet, appears periodically in the financial sector of the newspaper, and is reported to the Internal Revenue Service for tax purposes. It frequently has little relationship to a company's economic profit because of the difference between accounting expense and the opportunity cost of production. Some accounting expense is not an opportunity cost and some opportunity cost is does not show up as an accounting expenses.

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A comprehensive set of accounts that tracks the flow of currency and other monetary assets coming in to and going out of a nation. These payments are used for international trade, foreign investments, and other financial activities. The balance of payments is divided into two accounts -- current account (which includes payments for imports, exports, services, and transfers) and capital account (which includes payments for physical and financial assets). A deficit in one account is matched by a surplus in the other account. The balance of trade is only one part of the overall balance of payments set of accounts.

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Today, you are likely to spend a great deal of time looking for the new strip mall out on the highway looking to buy either several magazines on time travel or 500 feet of telephone cable. Be on the lookout for vindictive digital clocks with revenge on their minds.
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A thousand years before metal coins were developed, clay tablet "checks" were used as money by the Babylonians.
"The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack of will. "

-- Vince Lombardi

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