CONCENTRATION RATIOS: A family of measures of the proportion of total output in an industry that is produced by a given number of the largest firms in the industry. The two most common concentration ratios are for the four largest firms and the eight largest firms. The four-firm concentration ratio is the proportion of total output produced by the four largest firms in the industry and the eight-firm concentration ratio is proportion of total output produced by the eight largest firms in the industry. Concentration ratios are commonly used to indicate the degree to which an industry is oligopolistic and the extent of market control of the largest firms in the industry. A related measure is the Herfindahl index.Concentration ratios are calculated based on the market shares of the largest firms in the industry. A four-firm concentration ratio over 90 (that is, 90 percent of industry output is produced by the four largest firms) is a good indication of oligopoly and that these four firms have significant market control. Alternatively a four-firm concentration ratio of 0.001 (that is, the four largest firms are responsible for one-thousandth of one percent of industry output) is good indication that the industry is monopolistically competitive and that the four largest firms have very little market control. However, because there is a fine line between oligopoly and monopolistic competition blend into, there is no distinct concentration ratio that can be used to separate one market structure from the other. Two Common RatiosThe two most common concentration ratios are for the four largest firms and the eight largest firms.
High, Medium, and Low
Concentration ratios range for a low of 0 percent to a high of 100 percent.
The Shady Valley Soft Drink Industry
Concentration ratios can be calculated in one of two essentially identical ways. The first is to sum total sales of the top four (or eight) firms in the industry, then divide by the total. Alternatively, the market shares of the top four (or eight) firms can be calculated individually, then summed. The four-firm concentration ratio is the sum of total sales or the top four firms (OmniCola, Juice-Up, Super Soda, and King Caffeine) divided by the industry total. These four firms account for $1,225 million worth of soft drink sales, which is 61.25 percent of the overall market. Or the market shares of the top four firms (23 percent, 17.5 percent, 11.25 percent, and 9.5 percent) can be summed, which is also 61.25 percent. The top eight firms in the market account for $1,520 million in sales, which is 78.50 percent of the market. Both measures indicate that the Shady Valley soft drink industry falls within the medium concentration range. Concentration and CompetitionConcentration ratios only provide an indication of the oligopolistic nature of an industry and suggests the degree of competition. However, it does not provide a lot of detail about competitiveness of the industry.For example, a four-firm concentration for the Shady Valley soft drink industry of 61.25 suggests a medium level of concentration and a modest degree of competition. This ratio, however, can be achieved in a number of ways. If each of the top four firms has an identical $306.250 million in sales, the concentration ratio is 61.25 percent. Alternatively, the concentration ratio is 61.25 percent if OmniCola had $1,200 million in sales and the next three firms accounted for only $25 million in sales. Even though the concentration ratio is the same in both cases, the degree of competition is likely to differ. The oligopolistic industry is likely to be more competitive if four firms have nearly equal sales than if one firm has significantly more sales than the others. Check Out These Related Terms... | market share | four-firm concentration ratio | eight-firm concentration ratio | Herfindahl index | Or For A Little Background... | oligopoly | oligopoly, behavior | oligopoly, characteristics | industry | market structures | market control | firm | industry | competition among the few | short-run production analysis | profit maximization | production | And For Further Study... | merger | horizontal merger | vertical merger | conglomerate merger | collusion | explicit collusion | implicit | barriers to entry | product differentiation | game theory | cartel | kinked-demand curve | Recommended Citation: CONCENTRATION RATIOS, AmosWEB Encyclonomic WEB*pedia,, AmosWEB LLC, 2000-2024. [Accessed: December 17, 2024]. |